Is Your Home Furnace Too Big?

There are many problems that could occur when your furnace is too large for your home. That’s why it is so important to choose an HVAC system that has been properly sized.
If your heating system is too large it will turn off too soon to heat your whole house, causing temperature imbalances. Areas closer to the furnace will heat quickly, while areas farther away will stay cooler. This is called short cycling. Short cycling can cause your system to wear out faster, which leads to more repair services and the need for your system to be replaced much sooner than it should. Furthermore, your monthly energy costs are usually much higher since your system cannot perform at full efficiency.
That’s why it is vital for you to install a furnace that is correctly sized for your home. At Aarvaks, we take pride in designing and installing HVAC systems that are properly sized to meet all of your home comfort needs. Call us today 510-848-5010. We are a family owned, full service heating and air conditioning company located in Berkeley, California.
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